Abacus - Flight Deck 4
Why this package is listed here? Well, it is because of the brilliant idea and the basic concept. The realization is simply horrible. I don't know why the developer call themselve "First Class Simulation". Please don't develop any further, you should really rather change your jobs and wrap some burgers there at Mc Do's.

Anyway, here is a short introduction of this buggy peace of software.
The package contains 6 military aircraft, one military helicopter and one carrier placed in different scenarios.

Abacus - Flight Deck 4
- C-2A Greyhound
- E2C Hawkeye
- EA-6B Prowler
- F/A-18C Hornet
- F/A-18E Super Hornet
- SH-60 Seahawk

Sorry, it didn't make it for any longer - I deleted this pack of anger finally and I am still thinking, if I should throw it out of the window...

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