EDDM - Munich - Germany
It was about 1982 when I was wondering first, what strange digital read outs were placed
all over the screen and what to do with them. The horizontal vector line represented the
horizon and there was really nothing what you could call graphics. Yes, it was the B-727
Simulator for Commodore's C-64 Computer.
This was the "Ready" prompt screen when you turned on the
C-64. Starting an application was very time consuming, since
there were no disk drives available in the first place. The
storage media were a tape drive to use with standard audio
tapes and/or cartridges carrying non changeable data
(ready to use applications). The launch took up to 20 min.
and more, depending on the application you wanted to use.
Here are some screen shots from this unbelievable Boeing-
727 Simulator. There is really no way to compare this thing
with standard flight simulation of today. I would say there
wasn't any serious simulation of the real thing from a todays
point of view. But 21 years ago, of course I did imagine to
handle a B-727. BTW: Imagination is more important than
knowledge (Albert Einstein)
The use of a flight stick to handle
this baby was wishful thinking
only. Some key strokes and you
were done with that real complex
functionality. You could handle
thrust with nine steps, flaps, gear,
brakes, direction and pitch with
numeric keys, that's it.
Very easy bird the B-727, no clue
why pilots got that much sallery ;-)
To keep a long story short, things have drastically changed over the years. Fortunately,
flight simulation reached a level where we can speak about simulating the real thing. For
me it is the most challenging and long lasting hobby what I can think of. There are so
many different possibilities to chose from (VFR, IFR, single prop, turbo prop, biz jets,
heavies, weather, all different ground types all over the world and so on), that it is kinda
impossible to get bored one day.

Together with my friend Klaus alias "Gaserer, www.gaserer.de" I am on a extended trip this time. We are flying around the world with a F-16. There is no predefined route to follow - we just follow our inspiration. If you are interested, we welcome you to the galeries about the different stages of our wonderful trip.

Kathmandu, Nepal - Himalaya - Mount Everest - Biratnagar, Nepal

You can find a short trip from Erding, a military airfield near munich, over Walchensee and Karwendel-Gebirge down to Innsbruck and back to Erding following the river Inn through its valley here.

Here are some screenies from my home airport EDDM (old livery, old FS2002), the start
point for the running project "Fly the Capitols". Stay tuned as the journey proceeds.